Biodiversity Assessment, Conservation, and Indigenous People: GeoConvergence Philosophy
Dr. Dipankar Saha
ARS Scientist & Head
Regional Research Station
Dipankar Saha is an Ecologist and Biodiversity Scientists with ICAR’s Agriculture Research Service (ARS) and functioning within Natural Resources Management Division (NRM) having assigned responsibility to facilitate a regional team at Regional Research Station of ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization) addressing entire cold arid ecosystem of Indian in terms of the multiplicity of natural resources and its management balancing the eco-centric and anthropocentric philosophy of developmental paradigm of livelihood rejuvenation amongst mountain dwellers including indigenous communities inculcating the principles of bio-economic equilibria in delivering the social equity and environmental justice.
Abridging the technicalities of varied transects of geo-spatial techniques infusing a ray of hope to make this high-altitude niche assessable, predictable in terms of recurrent natural resources appraisal leading to systematic resources-governance (developing a functional loop of homoeostatic utility and conservation of natural habitat) as a part of effective and efficient policy infusion in implementable decision matrix.
This global level Geo-convergence workshop will fulfil the so far unaccomplished initiative at global and every regional level possible with all feasible collaborative approaches through this accelerator approaches.