Dashboard for Ceasefires in a Time of COVID-19
Dr. Devanjan Bhattacharya
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions TRAIN@ED Post Doctoral Fellow
University of Edinburgh
My areas of research and teaching being geomatics and geo-spatial technologies, I work towards intelligent geospatial analytics merging remotely sensed data, navigation technologies, informatics and GIS together, which are proving a strong platform to progress towards sustainable smart societies, and I continue my endeavour towards that goal, through research, development and teaching. I am a Marie Curie Postdoc Fellow on data-driven innovation at Edinburgh University under TRAIN@ED project. I am working with peace-building processes compiling spatial data collected online, using AI, NLP and geo-visualization. I am proposing to setup a spatial data center “PeaceTech Edinburgh” to aid United Nations peace-building tasks through geospatial intelligence.